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Frequently Asked Questions about Visual DialogScript

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Joined: 23 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2002 1:06 am    Post subject: Frequently Asked Questions about Visual DialogScript Reply with quote

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Visual DialogScript

In this topic, the following FAQ's will be covered:
    - How can I move a window with the NOTITLE style?
    - How can I open or close CD-ROM Drive?
    - How can I change ToolTip text and styles after an element is created?
    - How can I make a customized info box?
    - How can I make an info box close after a period of time?
    - How can I make a new line in a edit box?
    - My VDS app doesn't show the Windows XP style!
    - My VDS License Key doesn't work!
    - More to come...

How can I move a window with the NOTITLE style?
It is very easy to make this happen. The code below shows how:
REM Requires VDS 4 or above; can be modified for lower versions
  DIALOG ADD,BUTTON,Exit,350,194,180,34,Exit
  wait event
  goto @event()
  %%winy = @diff(@mousepos(Y),@winpos(#New_Dialog,T))
  %%winx = @diff(@mousepos(X),@winpos(#New_Dialog,L))
    window Position,#New_Dialog,@diff(@mousepos(Y),%%WinY),@diff(@mousepos(X),%%WinX)
  until @not(@mousedown(L))
  goto EVLOOP


How can I open or close CD-ROM Drive?
The code below shows how:
REM Open Drive
%%open = @mci(set cdaudio door open)
wait 5
REM Close Drive
%%close = @mci(set cdaudio door closed)


How can I change ToolTip text and styles after an element is created?
Generally, you must remove the element and then add it again with the
new text. Hopefully, S.A.D.E. will add a feature for this in a future version.

How can I make a customized info box?
The code below shows how:
title Information
DIALOG CREATE,Window,-1,0,240,160
DIALOG ADD,BUTTON,BUTTON1,64,84,64,24,Click Here

wait event
goto @event()

rem Put the number of seconds in which you would like to wait before the box closes...
%%wait = 2
%%infotext = Your information here.@cr()Use the "@cr()" function to make another line.
gosub Infobox
goto evloop


rem You MUST have a main window, otherwise you can't close this one...
dialog CREATE,Information,-1,0,345,95,,NOMIN
dialog ADD,TEXT,msgtext,12,54,280,68,%%infotext
dialog ADD,BITMAP,ICON,10,10,32,32,@windir()\explorer.exe|7
dialog ADD,BUTTON,OK,60,132,82,24,OK
dialog SHOW
wait event,%%wait
dialog close
rem This will set the event to NULL... Remove if there must be an event...
%e = @event()


How can make a new line in an edit box?
To make a new line, use @chr(13)@chr(10). Below is an example:

  DIALOG CREATE,Edit Box Test,-1,0,207,155
  DIALOG ADD,BUTTON,OK,122,68,64,24,OK
    %%string = Line 1@chr(13)@chr(10)Line 2@chr(13)@chr(10)Line 3@chr(13)@chr(10)Line 4
    DIALOG SET,EDIT1,%%string
  wait event


My VDS app doesn't show the Windows XP Style!

This is most likely caused by your app not using the special file that
Windows XP needs for your app to show the latest styles. There are tools
like the Manifest File Generator, which can be used as a VDS Tool.
But if you have VDS 5 or above, all you need to do is check the "Include
Manifest" box on the compiler options tab.

However, if your title bar is not showing the correct Windows XP style,
a .manifest file will not help you. This is due to using the older,
compressed version of the VDSRUN40.DLL.

You should do one of the following to fix it:
- Re-install VDS with the latest version
- Obtain a copy of the newer runtime engine

My VDS License Key doesn't work! How can I fix this?
The problem is the key is set to READ-ONLY. Here is how to fix it. Find the key and click on it with your RIGHT mouse button. Then a popup menu appears, click on the menu-item 'PROPERTIES'. After the properties window opens make sure the READ-ONLY checkbox is UNCHECKED. Then click 'Apply' and 'OK' and that will fix the problem.

If for some reason that doesn't fix your problem, you should do one of the

- Log into the registered users area with the URL, Username, and Password
provided to you upon registration and use the "Request and New Key"
function in the appropriate part of the site.

- Send an e-mail to with your faulty key and
any other information you have on it.

More to come...
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